A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. Well, we already have way more than a thousand words, so here are a few pictures for those of us who like things a little more visual.
Largest Cuddle pile
Taken at an event we had in Tukwila, this was our largest cuddle pile, with over 30 people bunched-together at one time.
Olympia Cuddle Pile
Taken at a cuddle event at Feral Tigress's place in Olympia, this was a particularly intimate event.
Spoonz cuddle pile
Taken before the COVID-19 pandemic, this pile occurred at our former location, Spoonz in Seattle.
Another Spoonz pile-up
Another pre-pandemic photo, this time featuring our dear member the Reindeer
More cuddling in Tukwila
Another view of the largest cuddle-pile ever, this was at club SubSpace in Tukwila
More cuddling at SubSpace
The group cuddle at SubSpace was truly monumental
Good eats
When dozens of people cuddle for hours (our longest party was 22 hours), HUNGRE is going to be a factor. These are some of the spreads we have prepared for our events.
Nice & soft
One of our cuddle spaces, known as "the loony bin", is wall-to-wall mattresses, making this space particularly coveted by our guests for large-group cuddles
Alone time
Even at a party, sometimes some folks need a moment alone, and this "space" chair is a safe haven. The design isolates sound, giving the occupant a special feeling of "home" to relax-in for a bit.
Recharge station
Just because our guests can party for 8 hours straight doesn't mean their phones can, and this station allows several guests to charge them. The donation-jar next to it is what enables us to avoid charging guests for our events.